Head injury may be only a mild bump on the skull or a serious brain injury and there are other head trauma types and symptoms.
Head Trauma
Head trauma or head injury is any trauma or damage to the scalp, skull, or brain. They can be head trauma due to blow to the head or head injuries cause of shaking.
Head trauma types and symptoms can be classified into two either open or closed injury. A closed head injury means you received a hard blow to the head from striking an object, but the object did not break or affect the skull. While, for open injury, or penetrating, head injury means you were hit with an object that broke the skull and entered the brain.

This is more likely to happen when you move at high speed, such as going through the windshield during a car accident. It can also happen from a gunshot to the head.
Head injuries include concussion, scalp wounds and skull fractures or bone crack. A concussion is a condition in which the brain is experience shaken. It is the most frequent type of traumatic brain injury. The effects of the concussion range from a headache to loss of consciousness.

Head Trauma Types and Symptoms
Head trauma is also classified according to how mild or severe (major) it is, which affects how the injury is managed. Mild head injuries are common amongst all people. Symptoms are usually short-lived, with no permanent damage caused or bring no effect to the head. Examples of symptoms of mild trauma include:
- Nausea
- Dizziness
- Confusion
- Mild headache
- Small cut or bump
- Temporary amnesia
- Ringing or buzz in the ear
- Mild blurring of the eyes vision
- Poor self-balance or trouble standing
People who go through any of these symptoms after a mild knock or blow do not usually require severe treatment, but should go for a checkup.
While some of the symptoms of severe or major head injury include:
- Vomiting
- Convulsion
- Unable to focus
- Poor muscle control
- Loss of consciousness
- Unusual eye movement
- Bleeding from deep wounds in the scalp
Serious head injuries require immediate medical attention so that any bleeding or brain damage can be treated quickly and accurately. Treatment depends on what type of injury a person has and their health condition and ability to undergo the treatment. Treatments range from drug therapies to address seizures or bleeding, through to surgery to reduce bleeding, swelling in the brain or pressure inside the skull.
Head Trauma Treatments
Mild traumatic brain injuries usually require no treatment other than rest and over-the-counter pain relievers to treat a headache. However, a person with a mild traumatic brain injury usually needs to be monitored closely at home for any persistent, worsening or new symptoms.
When to see a doctor?
Always see a doctor if you or your child has received a blow to the head or body that concerns you or causes any strange changes. Go to emergency medical care if there is any clue or indications of traumatic brain injury following a recent blow or other traumatic injuries to the head. A mild injury to the brain is still considered as a serious injury that requires attention and a severe diagnosis.
Safeguard yourself from the risks of major head trauma with an insurance plan that guarantees 100% payment of sum assured. Contact us to get quotes.
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