There are three phases of burn injuries from first, second to third degree as explained on this article by Red Cover Life Planning.
Burns is one of the most typical household injuries, which always happen among children. Most people can heal from burns without serious health consequences, depending on the cause and phases of burn injuries. Burns are a type of traumatic injury caused by thermal, electrical, chemical, or electromagnetic energy.
Open fire is the leading cause of burn injury for adults, while scalding is the major cause of burn injury for children. Burns affecting 10 percent of the child’s body and which affects 15 to 20 percent of the adult body are considered to be major injuries and require hospitalization and extensive recovery.
Serious combustion can be a serious injury – not only physically but emotionally. It can affect not only burn victims but the entire family. People with severe burns may be left with certain physical abilities, disabilities, loss of limbs, mobility, scarring, and infections. Also, severe burns can penetrate deep skin layers, causing damage to muscles or tissues that can affect any body system. Burns can also cause emotional problems such as distress, depression, nightmares, or flashlights from traumatic events. Loss of a friend or family member and property in the fire can add to the sadness of emotional tension of burning.
What causes burns?
Thermal burns or heat combustion is the most common type of fire. These burns occur when flame, hot metal, hot liquid or steam come in contact with the skin due to various conditions, including home fires, vehicle accidents, kitchen accidents, and electrical damage. All of the things listed below may cause burns.
- Dry heat – fire.
- Wet heat – steam or hot liquids.
- Radiation.
- Friction.
- Heated objects.
- The sun.
- Electricity.
- Chemicals.
Burning pain can be one of the most intense and lasting pain types. Burned pain is difficult to control because of its unique features, changing patterns, and various components. Also, there is pain involved in the treatment of burns, as the wounds must be cleansed and the dressings changed. Studies show that aggressive treatments for pain are needed for severe injuries.

Different Types of Burns?
Burning injuries are usually caused by energy transfer to the body. There are many types of burns caused by heat, radiation, chemistry, or electrical connections

Thermal burns:
Burns due to heat sources that raise skin and tissue temperature and cause tissue cell death or absorption. Hot metal, a hot fluid, steam, and fire, when in contact with the skin, can cause heat burns.

Chemical burns:
Burns due to strong acids, alkalies, detergents, or solvents coming into contact with the skin and/or eyes.

Radiation burns:
Burns due to prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays of the sun, or to other sources of radiation such as x-ray.

Electrical burns:
Burns from electrical current, either alternating or direct current.

The Symptoms of Burns
The symptoms of burns injuries depend on the cause and type of combustion. They may include:
- Blisters
- Pain (But the severe burns can be painless)
- Peeling skin
- Red skin
- Swelling
- White or charred skin
Three Phases of Burn Injuries

First degree (superficial) burns
- First-degree burns affect only the epidermis or outer layer of skin. The burn site is red, painful, dry, and with no blisters. Mild sunburn is an example. Long-term tissue damage is rare and usually consists of an increase or decrease in the skin color.

Second degree (partial thickness) burns
- Second-degree burns involve the epidermis and part of the dermis layer of skin. The burn site appears red, blistered, and may be swollen and painful.

Third degree (full thickness) burns
- Third-degree burns destroy the epidermis and dermis. Third-degree burns may also damage the underlying bones, muscles, and tendons. The burn site appears white or charred. There is no sensation in the area since the nerve endings are destroyed.
Phases of Burn Injuries and Treatments
Burning treatment depends on the type of combustion. The first burn is usually treated with skin care products such as aloe vera cream or antibiotic ointment and pain medication. It causes pain, redness, small inflammation and does not leave any effect or scarring on the skin. Healing times may be faster if you are taking care of the burning faster. Treatments for first-degree include soaking the wound in cold water for five minutes or longer, using an antibiotic ointment or loose gauze to protect the affected area and apply painkiller for pain relief.
Second phases of burn injuries may be treated with an antibiotic cream or other creams or ointments prescribed by a doctor. It causes blisters, sore and causes some thickening on skins. It is more serious than first-degree because it happens beyond the top layer of skin. For second degree, it takes longer than three weeks to heal.
The treatment of third-degree burns may require the process of skin grafting or the use of synthetic skin. Severe burns covering large parts of the body may need more intensive treatments such as intravenous (IV) antibiotics to prevent infection or IV fluids to replace fluids lost when skin was burned. More severe burns need immediate emergency medical care to prevent complications and death. Never attempt to self-treat a third-degree burned. Call emergency line immediately. At the same time, while waiting for medical treatment, increase the harm above the coronary heart. Don’t get undressed, but make sure no clothing is stuck to the burned.
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