Great Eastern Employee Benefits Group Insurance
Great BizCare (GBZ) is the Employee Benefits group insurance package offered by Great Eastern Malaysia. It is a comprehensive employee benefit packaged scheme focussing on providing insurance solutions to SME and SMI employees.
See below for further details on Great Eastern Group BizCare (GBC) group insurance plan.

Click the button below to contact Great Eastern Insurance Agent Colin Chow, to answer your questions on this insurance plan.
Or send in an enquiry. We will contact you to create the best insurance quotations to fit your employee benefits plan needs.
Great Eastern Great BizCare (GBC)
Great BizCare (GBC) from Great Eastern is one of the group insurance plans that is packaged to protect the financial and well-being of the employees. Within small to medium businesses. Where in the event of an unfortunate event that results in death and total and permanent disability, the employees will receive financial support.
The are a few features that Great Eastern highlights in this GBC employee benefit package. This includes:
- Minimum headcount is required. A minimum number of 11 eligible employees up to 150 eligible employees, maximum.
- Annually renewable policy. This provides flexibility for the company to revise the benefit plans that fit their employee needs in the future years.
- No evidence of health will be required. And the coverage will be subject to terms, conditions, and exclusion clauses of the respective policies and riders.
Great Eastern Great BizCare Benefits
Great Eastern Great BizCare (GBC) Basic Plan
The basic plan for Great Eastern Great Bizcare is annually renewable. The benefit coverage under this Group Yearly Renewable Term Assurance includes:
1. Death or Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) benefit.
In the event of death or Total Permanent Disability due to illness, sickness, disease, or accidental cause, the sum assured will be paid in one lump sum.
2. Funeral Expense benefit.
In the event of death occurred due to illness, sickness, disease, or accidental cause, the benefit shall be payable in one lump sum.
3. Partial and Permanent Disability (PPD) benefit.
In the event of Partial and Permanent Disability due to illness, sickness, disease, or accidental cause, a percentage of the Sum Assured will be paid. Based on the proportions and as stated in the Schedule of Compensation for Partial and Permanent Disability.
In the event of diagnosis of Terminal Illness, the Sum Assured will be payable in one lump sump. To receive the benefit, the Insured Member must be suffering from a condition. Based on the opinion of an appropriate Medical Practitioner and is highly likely to lead to death within 12 months from the diagnosis of the illness.
Great Eastern Great BizCare (GBC) Optional Rider
Great Eastern offers optional riders to the company to further enhance the protection of their staff. It allows the company to customize the group insurance plan to come up with the best plan that fits their employees’ needs. The 4 optional riders under Great BizCare (GBC) group insurance plan are:
Group Accelerated Living Assurance Rider
Group Accelerated Living Assurance Rider is the supplementary benefit to the Group Yearly Renewable Hospitalisation and Surgical Policy. This optional rider will give a lump sum payment of the sum assured to the insured member. Upon the occurrence of any 36 critical illnesses listed under Great Eastern. The benefit will be paid in one lump sum, except for Angioplasty and other invasive treatments for coronary artery disease. The claim payout also is subject to a maximum of MYR25,000 per life. Or 10 percent of the rider sum assured, whichever is lower.
Group Personal Accident Rider
Group Personal Accident Rider is the supplementary benefit to the Group Yearly Renewable Hospitalisation and Surgical Policy. This rider provides a benefit in terms of lum sump that shall be paid if any of the following occur to the insured member.
- Death caused solely and directly by accident.
- Total Permanent Disability caused solely and directly by an accident.
- Permanent Disablement caused solely and directly by accident.
Type of Loss | Benefit – Sum Assured (%) |
Death | 100 |
Total and Permanent Disability | 100 |
Loss off arm at shoulder | 100 |
Loss of arm between shoulder and elbow | 100 |
Loss of hand at wrist | 100 |
Loss of leg at hip | 100 |
Loss of leg between knee and hip | 100 |
Loss of leg below knee | 100 |
Loss of eye – whole | 100 |
Loss of eye – sight of both eyes | 100 |
Complete and irrecoverable loss of sight in one eye except for perception of light | 50 |
Loss of lens of eye | 50 |
Loss of hearing – both ears | 75 |
Loss of hearing -one ear | 15 |
Total loss of speech | 50 |
Loss of four fingers and thumb of one hand | 50 |
Loss of four fingers | 40 |
Loss of thumb – both phalanges | 25 |
Loss of thumb – one phalanx | 10 |
Loss of index finger – three phalanges | 10 |
Loss of index finger – two phalanges | 8 |
Loss of index finger – one phalanx | 4 |
Loss of middle finger – three phalanges | 6 |
Loss of middle finger – two phalanges | 4 |
Loss of middle finger – one phalanx | 2 |
Loss of ring finger – three phalanges | 5 |
Loss of ring finger – two phalanges | 4 |
Loss of ring finger – one phalanx | 2 |
Loss of little finger – three phalanges | 4 |
Loss of little finger – two phalanges | 3 |
Loss of little finger – one phalanx | 2 |
Loss of metacarpals – first or second (additional) | 3 |
Loss of metacarpals – third, fourth, or fifth (additional) | 2 |
Loss of toes – all | 15 |
Loss of toes – great, both phalanges | 5 |
Loss of toes – great, one phalanx | 2 |
Loss of toes – other than, great if more than one toes lost each | 1 |

Group Yearly Renewable Hospitalisation and Surgical Policy
This rider benefit reimburses reasonable and customary inpatient hospitalization and surgical expenses. For the treatment of illness, sickness, disease, or accidental cause. This policy also comes with an option for LIVE GREAT Corporate Medical Card to be attached.
See below for more details on each benefit and the sum assured.
Schedule of Benefit | Sum Assured (RM) |
Hospital Room and Board (up to 180 days) | From RM150 to 400 |
Intensive Care Unit (up to 30 days) | As charged |
Hospital Supplies and Services | As charged |
Surgical Fees | As charged |
Anesthetist Fees | As charged |
Operating Theatre | As charged |
In-Hospital Physician Visit (up to 180 days) | As charged |
Daily Cash Allowance at Malaysian Government Hospital (up to 180 days) | From RM60 to 100 |
Pre -Hospitalisation Diagnostic Services (within 60 days before hospitalization) | As charged |
Pre – Hospitalisation Specialist Consultation (within 60 days before hospitalisation) | As charged |
Second Surgical Opinion | As charged |
Post-Hospitalisation Treatment (within 60 days after discharge) | As charged |
Post-hospitalization Treatment (within 60 days after discharge) | As charged |
Emergency Accidental Outpatient Treatment (within 24 hours after the accident & follow up up to 14 days) | As charged |
Emergency Accidental Outpatient Treatment (within 24 hours after the accident & follow up to 14 days) | As charged |
Day Surgery | As charged |
Ambulance Fees | As charged |
Medical Report Fee Reimbursement | RM 100 |
Emergency Sickness Outpatient Treatment (10:00 pm – 8:00 am) | RM 100 |
Outpatient Cancer Treatment | As charged |
Outpatient Kidney Dialysis Treatment | As charged |
Outpatient Physiotherapy Treatment (per policy year) | RM 5,000 |
Overall Maximum Limit for Malaysian Government Hospital Admission | From RM 30,000 to 150,00 |
Overall Annual Limit (per policy year) | From RM 30,000 to 150,000 |
Compassionate Allowance (all causes) | RM 5,000 |
Emergency Medical Evacuation (Supreme Assist Emergency Medical Assistance Services) | In accordance with the benefit provisions in the policy |
Group Comprehensive Outpatient Clinical Rider
Group Comprehensive Outpatient Clinical Rider is a supplementary benefit to the Group Yearly Renewable Hospitalisation and Surgical policy. The employer must first have Group Yearly Renewable Hospitalisation and Surgical Policy to have this optional rider.
This Great Eastern rider reimburses reasonable and customary medically necessary expenses to the Insured Member. For the outpatient clinical treatment of illness, sickness, disease, or accidental cause. Provided that hospitalization is not required in accordance with the limits specified in the following Schedule of Benefits.
Schedule of Benefits for Outpatient
Benefit | Plan | |
i. | Outpatient General Practicitioner (GP) Care | Cashless |
ii. | Panel GP clinic visit | As charged |
iii. | Emergency Non Panel GP Clinic Visit | As charged |
iv. | Pap Smear at Panel GP Clinic (max per policy year) | As charged |
v. | Child immunisation (preventive vaccination) | Child immunization (preventive vaccination) |
vi. | Overseas coverage (reimbursement basis) | RM60 per visit |
vii. | Flu vaccination (reimbursement basis) | RM60 per visit ( max 1 visit per year) |
viii. | Overall General Practitioner Limit | Unlimited |
Schedule of Benefits for Outpatient Specialist Care
Benefit | Plan | |
i. | Outpatient Specialist Care | As charged (cashless) with referral |
ii. | Special Visit – with referral from Panel GP Clinic | As charged (cashless) with referral |
iii. | Child Immunisation (preventive vaccination) | As charged (cashless) with a referral |
iv. | Mammogram (once a year) | As charged (cashless) with referral |
v. | Outpatient Diagnostic Services (with referral from Panel GP Clinic or Specialist) | As charged (cashless) with referral |
vi. | Oversease coverage (reimbursement basis) | RM150 per visit |
vii. | Overall specialist or diagnostic services limit (max per member per year) | From RM1,200 to RM2,000 |
Frequently Asked Questions about Great Eastern Great Bizcare (GBC)
Who is eligible to apply for Great Bizcare?
Any duly registered company or organization is eligible. The company or organization will be the policyholder.
Who is eligible to be covered?
Full-time and actively working employees who are within the age and occupational class specifications are eligible. For employees, the minimum age at entry is 17 years old. And the maximum age at entry is 64 years old.
Can new employees be eligible for coverage?
All new employees are eligible to be enrolled for coverage within (30) days from the effective date of employment
Will the policy be automatically renewed?
The policy is a yearly renewable plan where the Period of Insurance is 12 months.
Can the benefits be changed during the Period of Insurance?
Changes to benefits can be made by the employer/policyholder on the policy anniversary or upon renewal only.
Learn more about Great Eastern Great Bizcare (GBC)
To learn more about Great Eastern Great Bizcare or other group insurance plans, get in touch with Red Cover expert Great Eastern insurance agent.

Contact Great Eastern Insurance Agent for Group Insurance
Colin Chow has more than 10 years of working experience in managing Group and Life insurance plans. He can work with you to create the best plan to meet your employee benefits program and group insurance budget plans.
Send in the form below for Colin to call you to scope your needs for a quotation.

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