Group Hospital and Surgical (GHS) and Group Term Life insurance (GTL) are two examples of group insurance plans in Malaysia-both with different benefits and coverage.
AIA offers these two insurance plans under the employee package benefit.

Click the button below to contact AIA Insurance Agent Levine Lee, to answer your questions on this insurance plan.

AIA Group Term Life Insurance Plans
This is a Group Term insurance plan (GTL) from AIA Insurance for employees.
- Death coverage.
- Total and permanent disability (TPD).
- Partial and permanent disability (PPD).
- Terminal illness
- Repatriation expenses
- Optional critical illness
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Group Hospital and Surgical
Group Hospital and Surgical (GHS) offers a medical reimbursement to the employee so they will not be worried about the medical cost. This includes expenses for hospitalization and surgical treatment.
The three basic benefits of Group Hospital and Surgical are hospital care, ambulatory care, and compassionate allowance.
- Hospital supplies and services
- Intensive care unit as charged (up to 30 days maximum)
- Surgical fees
- Anesthetic fees
- Operating theatre charges
- In-hospital physician visits (up to 180 max)
2. Ambulatory Care
- Pre-Surgical/Medical Diagnostic Services (within 60 days of an admission)
- Pre-Surgical/Medical Specialist Consultation (within 60 days of an admission)
- Second Surgical Opinion
- Post Hospitalization Treatment (up to 60 days of discharge from hospital)
- Emergency Outpatient Accidental Treatment (within 24 hours up to 60 days)
- Accidental Dental Treatment
- Daycare Procedure (Surgical/Medical)
- Ambulance Fees
- Medical Report Fee Reimbursement
- Outpatient Rehabilitation Therapy, Chemotherapy, Radiation Therapy, Kidney Dialysis
3. Compassionate Allowance (All Causes)
Optional rider for Group Hospital & Surgical
Outpatient GP and Specialist
This option offers the staff and their dependents the convenience of accessing outpatient care at General Practitioner (GP) and Specialist GP (SP)
Group MedCare
This value-added benefit provides access to the world’s leading specialists and medical from diagnosis to recovery, and 24/7 personalized reports.

Group Term Life (GTL)
Group Term Life (GTL) insurance plan provides a financial safety net against death, total/partial, and permanent disability coverage for the employee. It can be renewed annually.
The benefits include:
- Life benefit
- Total and Permanent Disability (TPD)
- Partial and Permanent Disability (PPD)
- Terminal Illness (TI)
- Repatriation Expenses
Optional rider for Group Term Life
A serious illness that can be a financial burden. If the employee dies or suffers from total permanent disability, their next of kin will receive compensation. Which will help to ease the burden on the employee’s family.

Summary comparison between GHS and GTL
Group Term Life insurance is different from an Employee Medical benefits plan. The employee medical benefits plan only cover the medical and hospitalization treatment cost. On the other hand, Group Term Life insurance ensures that the employee is financially protected in case of any emergency or unexpected accidents.
Below is the summary of the comparison between Group Hospital and Surgical (GHS) and Group Term Life (GTL) insurance plans.
Group Term Life (GTL) | Group Hospital & Surgical (GHS) |
Objective: To ease the financial burden of the employee’s family in case of death or partial/total disability. | Objective: To provide financial support to the employee in the event of a medical emergency. |
Benefits: 1. Life Benefit 2. Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) 3. Partial and Permanent Disability (PPD) 4. Terminal Illness 5. Repatriation Expenses | Benefits: 1. Hospital care 2. Ambulatory Care 3. Compassionate Allowance |
Rider: 1. Critical Illness | Rider: 1. Outpatient GP & Specialist 2. Group MedCare |

Levine Lee has over 18 years of working experience with AIA and ING Insurance. She is an expert AIA insurance agent and life planner for AIA in Malaysia. Contact LEVINE LEE, at +6012 684 0948. She can work with you to create the best plan to meet your employee benefits program and group insurance budget plans.
Or send in the form below for Levine to call you to scope your needs for a quotation.

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